Equity Market and Stock Valuation


Common Stock Valuation

A share of common stock is more difficult to value in practice than a bond because of three reasons

  1. there’s no promised cash flows are known advanced 事先不知道未來現金流
  2. there’s no maturity 沒有一定到期日
  3. there’s no way to easily observe the rate of return 不容易知道必要報酬率


Cash Flows



Special Cases


A share of common stock in company with a constant dividend.


Constant-Growth 固定成長

Dividend for some company always grows at a steady rate.


Non-constant Growth 非固定成長模式

Components of the Required

R= Dividend Yield + Capital Gain Yield

Stock Valuation Using Comparable

Price at Time t = Benchmark PE x EPSt

Price at Time t = Benchmark Price-Sale ratio x Sales per Share


Some Features of Common and Preferred Stock

Common Stock Features

Shareholder Rights

Shareholders can control the corporation through the right to elect the directors. Directors are elected every year at the annual meeting with the general idea “one share, one vote”. The exact mechanism for electing directors differs from companies. Shares can be voted cumulatively or voted straight.

1.Cumulative Voting累積投票制: shareholders may cast all votes for one member of the board of director.

2.Straight Voting直接投票制: shareholders may cast all votes for each member of the board of director.

Cumulative voting is to permit minority participation累積投票制比較保障少數。The total numbers of vote for cumulative voting is number of shares times the number of directors to be elected. If there are N directors to be elected, 1/(N+1) percent of the stock plus one stock will guarantee you a seat.



Proxy Voting代理投票

A grant of authority by a shareholder allowing another individual to vote his or her shares.

Other Rights


preemptive right優先購買權


1.Unless declared by the board of directors, it’s not a liability.

2.The payment of dividend is not an expanse.

3.Dividend received by individual shareholders are taxable.

Preferred Stock Features 特別股

Stated Value


Cumulative and Noncumulative Dividends



The Stock Market

Dealer and Brokers

Dealer自營商and Brokers經紀商,dealer is an agent who buys and sells securities from inventory. Brokers is agent who arranges securities transactions among investors.

Organization of the NYSE



在紐交所裡面,除了電子交易的證券外,主要仰賴三種不同的持有人,DMMs 指定造市者,floor broker樓層經紀商,SLPs補充流動性提供者。DMMs 指定造市者是NYSE當中的自營商,floor broker樓層經紀商則提供買賣訂單服務,SLPs則是只提供買或賣單邊。


Difference NASDAQ and NYSE



Business Finance – Equity Market and Stock Valuation