我们的地球的未来Our Earth’s Future
Our Earth’s Future:
The Arctic from a Global Perspective

Why Are Changes in the Arctic Important for the Rest of the World?

The Arctic region is changing and the changes are accelerating at rates and levels that has not been experienced by modern humankind or humankind’s ancestors for at least 800,000 years, and quite possibly for millions of years.

The Arctic is warming 2-3 times as rapidly as the Earth as a whole.

It has long been viewed as a wilderness detached from mainstream societies. However, the Arctic and its peoples are already experiencing realities from climate change — significantly warmer temperatures, melting ice, increased industrial activities, and the possible development of the region’s rich natural resources.

All of these have global implications affecting weather in the mid-latitudes, sea level rise around the planet, the likelihood of an increasingly open Arctic Ocean for shipping, tourist cruise ships, natural resource development, and a fishing industry that is already moving further north than ever before.

The consequences of interactions and feedbacks between regions of the northern hemisphere and the Arctic on climate change, ecosystems, human health, economic and resource development, and societies have the potential to substantively effect the Arctic countries, much of Europe, North America and the rest of the planet.

Our common future is a changing “Future Earth.”
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